Christophe Malfliet
March 2010
“Recent works”, solo exhibition by Christophe Malfliet (Belgium)
June 2009
21 June - 28 June 2009
“Plaisir d’Offrir 2”, group exhibition featured works by:
Cel Crabeels (Belgium)
Ellen Augustynen (Belgium)
Jan De Pooter (Belgium)
Chris Gillis (Belgium)
Carina Gosselé (Belgium)
Michael Laird (Belgium)
Cian Quayle (Great Britain)
Marc Provins (Great Britain)
Christophe Malfliet (Belgium)
Christine Clinckx (Belgium)
Rufus Michielsen (Belgium)
Harry Heirmans (Belgium)
Phil Bloom (The Netherlands)
David Menard (France)
Debora Desch (Belgium)
Franky Michielsen (Belgium)
Niko Van Stichel (Belgium)
Julio Castro (Brazil)
John Franklin (United States)
Philippe Van Os (Belgium)
“Seven Days”, musician Michel Verkempinck and Christine Clinckx (Belgium)
“F.L.U.T: ballade for an icecream maker” (Rufus Michielsen and Harry Heirmans) (Belgium)
“Dislocation 4", Carina Gosselé (Belgium)
December 2008
Participation at Lineart Art Fair, Ghent, Belgium, croup exhibition featured works by 4 Belgium artists :
Christine Clinckx, Christophe Malfliet, Elise Ottaviano and Yves Beaumont
September-October 2008
"Recent Paintings", solo exhibition by Christophe Malfliet (Belgium)
May 2008
Participation at Art Amsterdam 2008, group exhibition by 6 Belgium artists, feature works by:
Ellen Augustynen, Robert De keersmaecker, Jan De Pooter, Carina Goselé, Frie J. Jacobs and
Christoph Malfliet
May 2007
Participation at Art Amsterdam 2007, group exhibition featured works by 5 Belgium artists:
Jan De Pooter, Christine Clinckx, Zazah G.Van Den Broeck, Christophe Malfliet and Babs Decruyenaere
October-November 2006
"Vrolijke Vrienden", the solo exhibition by Christophe Malfliet (Belgium)
December 2005
02 December 2005 - 21 January 2005
"Table of Contents", group exhibition featured works by:
Babs Decruyenaere (Belgium)
Christophe Malfliet (Belgium)
Jan De Pooter (Belgium)
AJ Wilkinson (Great Britain)
October-November 2004
“Uprising”, group exhibition featured works by:
Jan De Pooter (Belgium)
Christophe Malfliet (Belgium)
Peter Hulsmans (Belgium)
Ivo Toreman ( Belgium)
September 2004
“En route vers les nouvelles aventures”, solo exhibition by Christophe Malfliet (Belgium)
January 1997
“Plaisir d’offrir”, group exhibition featured works by:
Ellen Augustynen (Belgium)
Anthony Clark (Great Britain)
Jan De Pooter (Belgium)
Christophe Malfliet (Belgium)
David Suls (Belgium)
Stefan Dias (Belgium)
Marc Tops (Belgium)
Ivo Toreman (Belgium)
January 1996
Solo exhibition by Christophe Malfliet (Belgium)