December 2007
"le low fat", solo exhibition by Zvika Kantor (Israel)
November 2007
"Atlas", solo exhibition by Zazah G.Van Den Broeck (Belgium)
"Above", solo exhibiton by Marc Provins (Great Britain)
07/10/2007 - 11:30 - 13:00 - location: Dagmar De Pooter Gallery
Radiobooks: Ibrahim Selman and Nilgün Yerli
Radio Books is an initiative of deBuren in association with Klara, Radio Netherlands
World Service (RNW) and VPRO Radio.
September 2007
"Onderweg", solo exhibition by Robert De keersmaecker (Belgium)
"Light Dissolving Sight", solo exhibition by Babs Decruyenaere (Belgium)
17 June - 07 July 2007
"Yes, Subject MatterS", group exhibition featured works by:
Ellen Augustynen (Belgium)
Carina Gosselé (Belgium)
Julien Collieux (France)
Michael Laird (United States)
Jacqueline Machado de Souza (Brazil)
Katrien Wuyts (Belgium)
May 2007
Dagmar De Pooter Gallery, new gallery space, exhibition "Presence", Gabriela Maciel one
location scene of the short movie "Analysing you" cineast Sissi Seifert, Production Xavier Rombaut. Antwerp, Belgium (date 21 may 2007).
May 2007
Art Amsterdam 2007
group exhibition featured works by 5 Belgian artists:
Jan De Pooter, Christine Clinckx, Zazah G.Van Den Broeck, Christophe Malfliet and
Babs Decruyenaere
27 April - 09 June 2007
“Presence“, solo exhibition by Gabriela Maciel (Brazil)
Performance: 27 april 2007 at 20h
"Presence" by Gabriela Maciel (Brazil) with collaboration by Luk Sponselee (The Netherlands)
27 April - 09 June 2007
“Prelude”, solo exhibition by Frie J.Jacobs (Belgium)
16 March - 21 April 2007
"Work of a sailor", solo exhibition by Jan De Pooter (Belgium)
25 January - 09 March 2007
Performance :
"Trans-Dance" by Carina Gosselé (Belgium), accompanying solo exhibition at the gallery