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December 1995
“Multiples”, solo exhibition by Yves Malfliet (Belgium)
November 1995
Prints, solo exhibition by David Suls (Belgium)
October 1995
14 October 1995 - 19 november 1995
Solo exhibition, slide projection and soundscape installation by David Claerbout (Belgium)
David Claerbout lectured on his own work
13 October 1995 at 20.00h
September 1995
“Relocations”, solo exhibition by Cian Quayle (Great Britain)
June 1995
“Photoworks”, duo exhibition feature works by Marc Provins and
Matthew Forman (Great Britain)
06 May - 03 June 1995
“Small and big differences”, solo exhibition by Juan Matos Capote (Spain)
24 March - 30 April 1995
“Blind”, solo exibition by Yves Malfliet (Belgium)
February 1995
Solo exhibition by Koen De Ceuleneer (Belgium)
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